Here is a list of other sites on the Web where you can find additional information about gerbils. Click one of the links below if you want to jump directly to a specific category.
![]() The Mongolian Gerbil Website. An informative site with lots of information about caring for gerbils, including guides for diagnosing illnesses, sexing gerbils, and taming gerbils. Behavior (part of the Mongolian Gerbil Website). This page has so much useful information that we decided to give it its own listing. On this page, you'll find information about gerbil behaviors, such as gnawing, compulsive digging, scent-gland marking, and thumping feet. You'll also learn about gerbil body language. The Gerbil Information Page. A very thorough page with information about the origin of gerbils, gerbil behavior, genetics, care, health, and species other than Mongolian. The Gerbils Color Palette. View photos of all of the various gerbil colors. Pup Development. This page shows photos of each day of a gerbil pup's development. Nutmeg Mongolian Gerbil. Nutmeg gerbils start with light, almost strawberry blond-colored fur, but around 6-7 weeks, their fur starts to change colors. After the molt is complete, nutmegs are a dark brown/black with gold-colored fur underneath. This page shows the phases of a nutmeg gerbil's development. GerbilSite - Behavior: Development Process Of A Nutmeg Pup. This page has many excellent photos of the day-to-day development of a nutmeg pup. You'll see the pup go from a tiny, hairless pup to a pup with light-colored fur, to a dark post-molt nutmeg young adult. The Gerbil FAQ. The Web's gerbil FAQ (frequently-asked questions). All the basics are covered here.
Gerbilation. Jaclyn's Information and Supplies links have some useful gerbil information to help you keep your pets safe and happy. The Rogue Clan. Gerbil care guidelines, photos, and links. This site hasn't been updated in a long time, but it still has a lot of useful information.
Gerbils and Your Health. This page at Shawsheen River Gerbils has information about the health risks sometimes associated with small pets. This page suggests precautions you can take, but it also provides information about why gerbils don't place you or your family at risk. ![]() Search for gerbils and other pets in shelters in your area. These pets need to find homes. The ODP's List of Rescues & Shelters. Find a shelter or rescue group in your area. You'll find a very large, complete list of animal welfare organizations from which you can adopt a pet. Capital Humane Society - Lincoln, NE. This is where I adopted Faith and Hope. They took great care of Faith and Hope before I adopted them, and they often have gerbils and other small pets available for adoption. Double Star Kennels. Our gerbil Herman was born at Double Star Kennels. This is also one of the few kennels in the midwest. Double Star has produced award-winning gerbils in the AGS Gerbil Shows. Black Wolf Clan. Our gerbils Mike and Toby were both from Black Wolf Clan. This kennel is located in Springfield, MO, and has a wide selection of gorgeous gerbils. Many of Black Wolf Clan's gerbils have been award winners in the AGS Gerbil Shows. ABC Gerbils. This New Hampshire kennel is run by an experienced gerbil breeder. On her Web site, you'll find plenty of photos, reasons to choose gerbils for pets, care guidelines, genetics information, and more. Pocafiki Gerbils. This is a kennel in Oklahoma that has some really beautiful pups and a variety of colors. Contact information is available if you would like to adopt a pair of Pocafiki gerbils. Little Rascals. This Missouri kennel is run by an experienced breeder. The Little Rascals Web site has a lot of detailed, accurate information about caring for gerbils.
Windswept Rodents. This is the site of a gerbil breeder in Minnesota. You'll find gerbil genetic information, a gerbil poll, a care sheet, information about the kennel's gerbils, and a list of links to other sites. Midnight Sun Rodentry. This site includes quite a bit of information about gerbils, such as their dietary needs. It also features detailed photos of each day of gerbil pups' development. Rodent Breeders Unite. This site includes listings for breeders and rescuers of several types of rodents, including gerbils, rats, mice, hamsters, guinea pigs, and rabbits. If you've adopted a pet from one of the breeders or rescuers listed, you can also provide feedback about your experience with the adoption. Sunset Gerbils. The AGS-registered kennel is located in Texas. Its Web site includes information about gerbil housing, food, health, and more. ![]() AGS' Health Issues page. The American Gerbil Society's guide to common health problems, diseases, and ailments of Mongolian gerbils. NGS Ailments page. The National Gerbil Society's guide to common gerbil ailments. Health Check. The NGS (National Gerbil Society) explains step-by-step how to give a gerbil a basic health check. Vet Listing. The NGS provides this list of recommended vets. Listings are categorized by country. If you don't see a vet listed in your area, you should call vet's offices. In most areas, you can find a vet who will treat gerbils. How to Guide: Ornacycline. A complete guide to giving gerbils ornacycline antibiotic, including photos of the pills and supplies you'll need. ![]()
Gerbilvision. No gerbil Web cams are active currently, but you can still read the bios of the past stars of Gerbilvision. ![]()
APLB (Association for Pet Loss and Bereavement). A non-profit organization that provides support to those who are grieving the loss of a pet. The site includes a list of resources to help you cope with grief, make decisions about euthanasia, and help your children understand and deal with the death of a pet. You'll also find a list of pet-grief hotline numbers so you can find someone to speak with. International Association of Pet Cemeteries' Member List. Find a pet cemetery that is an accredited member of the IAOPC (International Association of Pet Cemeteries. Cherished Memories' Pet Cemeteries List. Find a pet cemetery near you with this state-by-state listing of pet cemeteries in the U.S., as well as a list of pet cemeteries in Canada and the U.K. ![]() That Pet Place. A great place to find good deals on pet food, toys, bedding, and other supplies. Check here to purchase pet food, accessories, cages, and toys. is also the only seller of Gerri Gerbil pet food that we've found in the U.S. ![]() State-by-State & Country-by-Country Pet Laws. The AGS (American Gerbil Society) has compiled this list of resources to help you determine the laws regarding gerbil ownership in your area. For example, gerbils are illegal in California. You'll also find information such as how to contact your state's lawmakers, how to file a complaint about a pet store, and how to contact rescue groups. ![]() Ehrenfried's Gerbil Links. Ehrenfried has collected an exhaustive list of gerbil links.
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