Do your gerbils deserve a special present? Maybe you don't know what to give your little furry friends. We'll show you something you can make for your gerbils' birthdays or other special events. The best part is that gerbils can unwrap this present themselves!

1. Start with a couple of sheets of Kleenex or other tissue. Make sure that it has no lotions or perfumes in it. It should just be plain white and have no smell. Next, place a few of your gerbil's favorite treats in the center of the Kleenex.

2. Now, carefully fold the bottom edge of the Kleenex up to the top edge of the Kleenex so that the treats are folded inside of it.
3. Next, start at the bottom of the Kleenex, and carefully roll it up to the top so that it looks like a rope. See the photo to the left to see how it should look.
4. Next, pull both ends of the Kleenex up and tie it into a loose knot, with the treats in the center of the knot. Be very careful when you do this, and don't pull too hard, or the Kleenex will rip. It doesn't need to be a tight knot. You just want the Kleenex to stay folded up so that the treats don't fall out. The photo to the right shows how it should look after you make the knot.

5. Next, push the little Kleenex bundle into the center of a toilet paper tube. Then squish a few sheets of toilet paper inside the left side of the toilet paper tube and a few sheets of toilet paper inside the right side of the toilet paper tube.

6. Now set a plain white sheet of paper in front of you. Place the toilet paper tube on the sheet of paper, as shown in the photo to the right.

7. Roll the tube up inside the paper until it looks like the photo to the left.
8. Now grab both ends of the paper and twist it like a Tootsie Roll. This way, you don't have to use any tape to hold the wrapping paper on your gerbil's present. (Clear tape is bad for gerbils, and masking tape would be ugly on your gerbil's gift.) When you're finished, your gerbil's wrapped gift should look like the one to the right.
9. Give the present to your gerbil and let him or her open it! If your gerbil lives with a friend, let them both open the present together. They'll have a lot more fun working together than alone.
First, your gerbils will work hard to chew the paper until it's loose enough to rip off the tube. Then, they'll have to chew on the tube or tug on the toilet paper and Kleenex until they get to the little tied-up package inside the tube. Finally, they'll chew or claw their way through the Kleenex to reach the treats inside! The great thing about this gift is that a gerbil will have as much fun unwrapping the present as he or she will have eating the treats inside!