Gerbil Blog for Twin Squeaks

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Happy Birthday, Smurf!

Smurf the gerbil's birthday
Smurf and Gobo enjoy a birthday treat
Smurf celebrates his birthday
Today, Smurf turned three months old!

This day marks Smurf’s move from puphood into adulthood. Smurf is now an adolescent. . . a young adult.

We celebrated his birthday tonight with a special treat: miniature popcorn (no additives - just plain corn). This was a special birthday treat and not something the gerbils normally have. I let a bit of it pop in the microwave, but Smurf and Gobo seemed to like the unpopped corn better.

I also gave Smurf a small gift, but he was more interested in burrowing and digging tunnels in his bedding than in unwrapping his gift. I left it in the boys’ tank, and I’m sure Smurf will open it later.

All in all, I think Smurf had a good birthday. :)


Blogger Sharon said...

Happy Birthday, Smurf!!! You are so adorable! Congratulations on becoming an adolescent!

9:23 PM  

Anonymous linette said...

I notice that you use the shredded paper beding. So do I. I like to mix in some carefresh with it. I think the gerbils pretend the paper is grass they love to pile it up into one big nest. I also like the fact that its not dusty.

Happy Birhday, Smurf.

9:57 PM  

Blogger Twin Squeaks Gerbils said...

I just found that bedding for the first time a couple of weeks ago! Tank cleanings this weekend were the first time I've used it.

So far, I love it. I had been using primarily corncob (no one's ever been allergic to it), with about 1/3 aspen... But now I think I'm going to do a mixture of half corncob and half Eco-Bedding (the shredded-paper stuff), and I'll skip the aspen altogether.

It's just fantastic. So far, no one seems to have any allergies to it, there's no dust, and they're really able to dig and burrow in it. The gerbils have a blast making little tunnels under it and then emerging from the bedding. :-D

The only problem I have with the Eco-Bedding is this: Smurf likes to dig really deep under the bedding and disappear! The other day, it took us several minutes to find him! :-D

Several of the other gerbils are on Eco-Bedding now, too. Hallie and Cassie both especially love it, which is nice. It gives them something to do (dig and burrow) while they're cooped up in the split cage!

10:08 PM  

Anonymous linette said...

Its cute to see them gather it up in their mouth and build a nest w/it.

11:44 PM  

Anonymous Gerbils Rock! said...

I like to use Carefresh, but I sort of beat it out in a separate room to get some of the dust out before putting it in the tank ;)

1:31 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said...

happy birthday smurf !and congrats in becoming a young adult!

9:55 AM  

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