Ask The Gerbils

Hallie and Smurf are happy to answer your questions about taking care of, playing with, taming, or getting to know your gerbils. However, if you have questions about breeding or gerbil babies, you should ask an experienced breeder, not Hallie and Smurf. For breeding questions, please see the American Gerbil Society or a site such as the Gerbil Breeding & Development page.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Dear Nellie and Herman,

Do gerbils like cereal boxes as little hideouts?


Dear M.

Thank you for your letter! I'm so glad you asked about cereal boxes! We love cereal boxes! We like to hide inside them, crawl on top of them, dig inside them, and chew them to shreds! Cereal boxes make excellent gifts for your gerbils!

From your friends,
Nellie & Herman